noni fruit
Noni is nature’s gift to humanity. Noni is a fruit also called Morinda citrifolia.
The word Morinda comes from the Latin word Moris Indicus, Moris means mulberry and Indicus means Indian. It is also known as Indian Mulberry.
Noni fruit contains more than 200 nutraceuticals which are essential for our daily life. All these 200 nutraceuticals are available in the right amount in noni fruit,
Noni is a powerful detoxifier
Our body gets contaminated with the food we eat ,the air we breathe, the water we drink and the beauty cosmetics we use, such as soap, toothpaste and detergent.
Our body is not naturally made to destroy chemical substances
What happens to these chemicals and toxic substances?
That chemicals form a thin layer on the cells of our body. These cells should be very soft so that they can be operated properly. If the cells become strong and stiff, the passage way of the cells is obstructed.
destroys the toxin
Noni juice destroys the toxin and makes the cells completely clean. These cells become soft and soft, so that there is continuity in the movement of elements. This is the power of noni juice, which makes cells become healthy.
When a thin layer of chemicals is formed on the cells, the pores of the cells shrink or close.
When the pores of the cells shrink or are closed, the nutrients from the food cannot reach the cells. Similarly, when we are sick, we go to Dr. and Dr. give us medicines and many times these medicines are given to us. Does not work
These medicines do not reach the cells because the pores of the cells either shrink or closed.
opening up the pores
Noni juice helps in opening up the pores of our body’s cells to absorb the nutritional content of the food and at the same time medicine can also reach inside the cells due to the opening of the pores of cells.
cellular food
Noni is a powerful cellular food that helps in strengthening every cell in the body. When cells become healthy, then tissues will be healthy and all the organs will be healthy. The body’s system will become healthy and we also become healthy
When our cells are unwell, then our tissue, our organs and our body system become weak and finally we become sick.
pain reliever
Noni juice is a powerful pain reliever. A lot of pain killer are available in the market which can cause side effects. The enzyme that causes pain is called Cox Enzyme.
There are two types of enzymes Cox1 and Cox2. Cox 1 is a good enzyme that is beneficial for the stomach and intestinal walls. Cox2 enzyme is a factor in the pain, irritation and swelling of our body.
When you take a pain killer, it prevents the effects of both enzymes. Due to this the walls of your stomach and intestines to remain unaffected by the effects of Cox1.
Noni Juice And Pain
When you drink Noni juice, it stops the effect of Cox 2 which is a pain factor and causes irritation and swelling. So it has been proved that noni juice is a safe pain reliever without any side effects.
stress reliever
It is proved that Noni juice is stress reliever because noni juice helps the body to produce a large amount of सेरेटोनिक इन्डौरफीन Seratonic Indorphins which are important for the body. When these hormones are properly works in our body, we remain healthy.
Noni juice maintains the amount of Seratonic Indorphins in our body so that we can remain happy and stress free.
increases immunity
Noni juice also increases immunity in our body. The immune system protects our body from viruses, bacteria and other infections.
Actually, this virus, instead of protecting our body, attacks the cells of the body and causes many diseases which are called autoimmune diseases.
auto immune disease
Diabetes, Arthritis, Loops are all examples of autoimmune diseases. When we take noni juice, it keeps the immune system running smoothly so that we can remain free from auto immune diseases.
body is a chemical factory
When we speak, when we walk, when we listen, every time one element in our body changes into another element. In this way, chemical activity continues in our body.
Noni juice detoxify our body and remove toxin from our body.
Nitric oxide
Nitric oxide is a gas molecule that is produced in our body. It is helpful in our body’s activities. Research has shown that noni juice is helpful in making nitric oxide in our body as required. When the body’s chemical activity is good, the body remains healthy.
Noni juice keeps healthy cells healthy and makes unhealthy cells healthy. In this way, Noni juice is also for healthy people and sick people.
Adaptogen is an element that helps the body functions smoothly. In other words, maintains balance in the body. Noni juice is also a powerful adaptogen
self-healing power system
Our body has self-healing power system or the ability to repair itself. When we get hurt, our body has the ability to fix the injury which is due to self-healing power system. If the self-healing power system is smooth and functioning well, then the medicine works correctly.
If self-healing system power is not a smooth, then medicines also do not work properly. Noni juice strengthen the body’s self-healing system with the help of its elements.
In this way, the medicines are effective in our body. Noni juice helps in digestion, in proper movement of organs and increases more power in body. It is giving good sleep, as well as gives peace.
Note – Information given in this post is meant to educate the public about the Divine Noni, Divine Wellness Health does not make any claim of prevention, cure or remedy for any disease.
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