What happens when we take Divine Noni?
Human body is chemical factory When we speak, when we walk, when we listen, every time one element in our body changes into another element. In this way, chemical activity continues in our body.

When we drink Noni, in mouth – Proxeronine present in Noni helps in relieving Inflammation of gums – Gingivitis and infected teeth.
Stomach and Intestines

When we swallow Noni, the effects of Noni in the Gastro intestinal tract are very profound. It starts boosting our digestive enzymes, improving digestion and improving assimilation. We get more nutrients from our food and medication. It has helped many people to heal ulcers. It decreases parasites.
Noni juice helps in speedy regeneration of lining in the intestines – the one cell thin membrane that separates the content of our bowels from the blood and lymphatic system. If this membrane are disturbed or damaged, contents of the food that are not required by the blood pass into the blood like bacteria, fermented waste, etc. This makes liver work harder, disturbing its normal duties and functions.

Next it goes to the Liver. The Liver is the metabolic powerhouse packed with enzymes. It inspects everything that has been absorbed from our intestines. Either it allows to pass or does its best to eliminate or prepare it for the kidneys to eliminate. This includes toxins, pesticides, chemicals, medications or herbs.
Noni helps in many ways for the liver to function. It boosts the liver enzymes to clean blood more effectively. Noni handles higher volumes of enzymes and balances hormones. It also helps in balancing blood sugar, helping to minimise hypoglycemia.
Blood circulation

After the liver, Noni passes into the general circulation. First let us see how Noni deals with our immune system Immune System. The immune system is charged with the duty of patrolling of our physical body. For everything, the immune system comes in contact with, it has to decide whether it is harmful or not. If it is harmful, the immune system has to deal with it.
The Immune system uses many different enzymes and complicated cellular communications. Noni improves the effectiveness of enzymes and enhances cellular communication

Noni allows more Magnesium into the heart cells which helps in regulating a proper heart rhythm. It eases smooth muscle spasm since it decreases angina. Blood pressure and cholesterol also tend to normalize with Noni in many people. Noni works synergetic with many heart medications.

Noni clears infections such as bronchitis. A food supplement like Noni enhances the cellular structures of bronchioles. It also decreases mucus secretion. Noni helps allergy and inflammation which are causes for asthma.

Noni helps brain cells. All the neurotransmitters work through cell wall receptors. By enhancing the brain cells, thinking is clear and moods stable. Noni increases secretion of Serotonin which is a feel good hormone.
This juice helps in reducing depression and ensuring sleep. Noni clears sinus infections. Noni helps in headaches and migraines. Clears muscle contraction, headaches and toxin related headaches.
It also helps in menstrual migraine headaches by balancing hormones through its action on liver and effect the hormone receptors.
Genital / Urinary system

Noni works in post menstrual syndrome (PMS). It is helpful in regular or heavy or painful periods. Noni is used in pregnancy – to prevent Toxaemia. It eases the pain of labour and helps recovery afterwards.
Helps men going to bathroom often at night and helps people with prostrate cancer. Noni helps in bladder infections and Bennign prostrate hypertrophy too. Noni goes well with the treatment and medication.
Muscles and bones

Noni helps all types of arthritis, lumbar disc disease, muscle spasm and cervical disc disease. All types of inflammatory conditions respond well to Noni. Noni has helped in sprains, bruises and fracture.
Note – Information given in this post is meant to educate the public about the Divine Noni, Divine Wellness Health does not make any claim of prevention, cure or remedy for any disease.
Purchase Divine Noni
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