Important nutraceuticals in Noni

Important nutraceuticals in Noni | divinewellnesshealth
Important nutraceuticals in Noni


Noni contains more than 200 isolated nutraceuticals which are all a real gift to human kind. The most important among them are-

1. Proxeronine and Proxeroninase

It produces Xeronine, highly required by certain types of body proteins to enhance regeneration of cells and maintaining hormonal balance.

2. Scopoletin

This has anti-inflammatory, anti-histamine, anti bacterial, and anti-fungal properties. This helps lower blood pressure, and binds to Serotonin and helps regulate sleep, hunger and temperature.

3. Anthraquinone

It fights against bacteria such as Staphylococcus aureus, E. coli and Salmonella

4. Damnacanthal

It resists the growth of precancerous cells.


It promotes rejuvenation of cell and helps to expel toxins out of human body.

6. Phytonutrients and Selenium

They provide powerful anti-oxidant protection against free radicals.

7. Abundance in soluble and insoluble Fiber

Soluble fiber helps purify blood, decreases cholesterol, balances the blood sugar and insoluble fiber promotes colon health.

8. Amino Acids

Noni contains 17 known amino acids which include, the nine essential amino acids which form the basic building block of protein.

Our body cannot produce essential amino acids and hence we depend on the diet for their requirement. It is also rich in fatty acids which help maintain the skin, nerve cells, heart tissue and blood vessels.

They help maintain cell membranes thereby promoting better exchange of nutrient toxin exchange.

Effect of Noni on human body
what is noni

Note – Information given in this post is meant to educate the public about the Divine Noni, Divine Wellness Health does not make any claim of prevention, cure or remedy for any disease.

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