Noni Plant –Noni (Morinda citrifolia L.) is an ever green tree grows up to nine meters tall, bears flowers and fruits throughout the year. M. citrifolia L. is a native of India, but has been naturalized in many parts of the world by human activities.
Though all the plant parts are used in the treatment of various diseases, the fruit is considered important because of its wide range of therapeutic potentials such as antibacterial, antiviral, anti tumor, anti-helminthic, analgesic, hypertensive, anti-inflammatory and immune enhancing effects.
The use of the juice from the ripe and unripe fruits seems to be a more recent innovation, and has been amply exploited commercially in recent times. Noni juice has been recently accepted in the European Union as a novel food.
The roots are being used to synthesis red dye whereas the leaves bark; fruits are used to produce facial creams, soaps, lotion, tea powder, etc. The bark is used to make chart wheel and to prepare natural dye.
Commercial interest in Noni has tremendously increased in recent years and 19 patents already registered in the US Patent and Trademark Office since 1976. There is lack of extensive scientific studies in several areas on Noni. Research should be taken up to explore the therapeutic activity of M.citrifolia L. as there was no report in Indian subcontinent.